Helping individuals and organizations thrive by capturing insights to drive decision, and creating synergies that support the wellbeing of women.

Consultant | Speaker


  • Women's Health Initiatives

    Sherry works with global and local organizations that support the health and wellbeing of women (IGOs, NGOs, CBOs, health systems, clinics, and provider practices), by capturing insights that help improve outcomes, and developing approaches to enhance engagement. Sherry can foster clinic/community collaboration, lead focus groups, conduct interviews, design survey tools, prepare analysis reports, and facilitate meetings, trainings or retreats.

  • Women's Health & Wellness

    Sherry is a women’s wellness consultant and preconception health coach to those wanting the added support of a specialized practitioner as they embark upon pivotal life changes. Sessions focus on improving physical health, developing emotional wellbeing, gaining clarity, managing stress, and maintaining more meaningful balance. A personalized approach is often used to tap into reflection, resolve, and the power of resilience.

About Me

My 20+ year career in population, maternal, & women’s health has included several successes in entrepreneurship as an independent consultant, as well as employed career advancements that led to many meaningful years leading community engagement, and experience in leadership with a Fortune 500 healthcare company. I have gone on to further develop an expertise in inspiring people through my engaging presentation style, capturing insights to advance initiatives, and making meaningful connections that strengthen collaboration.

Speaking Topics

  • Nurture who you are in the present while getting clear on who you envision becoming in the future, to begin evolving into the person you are meant to be - confident, successful, and fulfilled.

    In this transformative keynote, Sherry shares the essential components to boldly embodying your greatest potential; as well as becoming a catalyst for helping others tap into their own greatness.

  • Life is meant to be lived fulfilled!

    Sherry empowers her audiences, especially those caught between personal and professional priorities, to truly thrive through her Five-C Framework for Wholistic Fulfillment, which emphasizes the importance of:

    Gaining clarity on both professional and personal priorities, to create a plan that allows for greater intentionality with what is determined most important.

    Building confidence by helping discover the unique skills that exist within, and those yet to be discovered or developed, with a way of doing so to enjoy more success with greater ease.

    Incorporating self-care to show up feeling the very best and ready to give nothing less than the best!

  • (Coming Soon!)

    Food nourishes both mind and body. Interestingly, cognitive and emotional centers of the brain are linked to GI (gastrointestinal) functions, which is why “gut health” can be a telling sign of how emotionally and mentally well you are.

    Sherry will share how the foods you choose to consume can affect how you think and feel. You will also discover the nutrients that support peak performance, and creative ways to incorporate more of them into your diet.

Facilitated Workshops

  • This 90–120-minute workshop is designed to help participants create the future they envision, with well-being at the forefront so they're better able to achieve their greatest dreams for the future, and show up as their best selves, in the present!

    Whether they are on a trajectory for greater achievement in the workplace, or a passionate pursuit in entrepreneurship, participants will walk away with the tools needed to be intentional about the direction their life takes going forward, keeping them on track with more meaningful balance - combating the burdens of absenteeism, presenteeism, and overall poor performance.

    Participants will be able to incorporate the Goal. Set. Go. process, which goes beyond just setting goals, to help them identify and follow through on the actionable steps to actually getting to their goals.

  • Developed to help rising professionals maintain their momentum and avoid the setbacks that can arise from stressors associated with new responsibilities during this phase in life. This 90–120-minute workshop introduces evidence-based strategies that build resilience and support personal and professional success.

  • Outreach and marketing teams can only do so much to help develop your partnerships and collaborations. Those on the front line of meaningful work, providing direct care or service, can be instrumental to achieving maximum reach for your organization.

    The question is, do they have the skills to confidently speak on the greater impact of their work? They may not even realize the significance of their role in your overall efforts, but key stakeholders such as partners, funders, consumers, community leaders, and agency administrators, often want to see and hear from all those who contribute to the collective work of your initiatives, particularly those providing direct service.

    This workshop-style training will not only get your teams motivated to help share your story and contribute to building and maintaining the relationships that matter most, but also prepare them to do so in ways that are most impactful.

  • Understand the process for building meaningful internal or external connections that lead to the positive change you seek to achieve for a variety of situations, tailored to your group, in this interactive workshop-style presentation.

Your next keynote speaker.

Developing human potential is critical to organizational success, and rising professionals, which includes anyone starting or advancing in their career, can make a tremendous impact. Their ability to evolve into the best version of themselves will determine how they show up and contribute in their respective roles. My talks will ground your group in clarity, build confidence, and encourage self-care, as tools for personal and professional growth; and I will share in a way that is both engaging and motivational, leaving each person ready to step into their potential!

Need an Emcee? Hire me!

Some of my previous projects have included mid to large-scale event production, so I know the ins and outs to a successful event and the critical role of an emcee who can keep things moving, smoothly. Let me help make your next event a success!

“Sherry’s ability to put the Community-Based Doula concept in practice in Marion County and support at-risk pregnant women and families in our community has been truly remarkable .”

Larry Humbert Indiana Perinatal Network

“Sherry was a wonderful emcee - so natural and engaging.”

Courtnie Leeper Indiana Department of Health

“We have been extremely pleased with Sherry’s exemplary customer and research oriented services. Projects have been completed according to timeline and the quality has been exceptional. ”

Yvonne Beasley Health and Hospital Corporation